Executive Committee 

​The International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies (IHRN) is governed by an executive committee composed of members from 12 academies around the world.


The Executive Committee makes occasional public statements on issues related to the mandate of the IHRN and it encourages members to support and publicize them.


National academies and scholarly societies that have human rights committees or an interest in human rights issues are invited to participate in the IHRN. Learn more about IHRN participants.


Learn more about the ways in which national academies around the world are integrating human rights activities into their work​. To receive news and information from the IHRN Secretariat and IHRN-Participating Academies, join the IHRN mailing list.

In the Spotlight

Executive Committee Statement on the Challenges Facing Scientists and Researchers in the United States

The IHRN’s Executive Committee has issued a public statement expressing strong support for U.S. scientists and scholars currently facing serious challenges and rejecting all efforts to undermine academic freedom in the United States and globally.

15th Biennial Meeting of the IHRN

The IHRN’s next biennial meeting will be hosted by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, Norway, from September 9-11, 2025.

The 3-day meeting will feature a symposium that examines the relationship between academic freedom and science, to be followed by a closed workshop for academy representatives to share information about their human rights activities and discuss potential collaborative efforts. More information about the meeting will be posted as it becomes available.

IHRN Bulletin

The IHRN Secretariat has introduced a new biannual human rights bulletin containing updates on the IHRN Secretariat’s activities, human rights resources, and highlights of IHRN participating academies’ human rights events, publications, and announcements. Read the first two issues of the bulletin:

To receive future issues of this bulletin and other news from the IHRN, subscribe to the IHRN mailing list.

Executive Committee Statement on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza

The IHRN’s Executive Committee has issued a public statement expressing its deep concern for the people of Israel and Gaza during the ongoing crisis and condemning all attacks on health care providers and facilities.

No words are enough to express my recognition to the efforts of the members of your Institutions and those of the International Network on my behalf…I am convinced that I owe my release in a great extent to all of you.
— Oscar Espinosa Chepe, March 22, 2005

Contact Us ​​

To contact the secretariat of the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies, please send an email to this via this contact form or call us at the telephone number below.